Acquisition of Advokatfirmaet Negota AS by XPartners AB

Deal typeTransaction Services
IndustryProfessional Services
Sub-industryConsulting services
Client nameXPartners
BDO has provided buy-side financial due diligence in relation to XPartners' acquisition of Advokatfirmaet Negota AS.

Since 2021, XPartners has worked to develop a platform for community development, where different companies and specialists collaborate to create greater synergies in the work towards a more sustainable society. The business model is based on value creation through collaboration and entrepreneurship, where each company continues to operate under its existing brand but benefits from the advantages of being part of a larger group.

By acquiring legal project consulting company Negota, the number of XPartners' employees increases to approximately 1 000 and annual revenues are expected to reach SEKbn 1.8. In addition, the acquisition represents XPartners' entry into the Norwegian market.