Courses and Training

Courses and Training

Are you up to date with the latest developments in standards and best practice for risk analysis? Do you wonder what the new Security Act means for your enterprise? Do you need to increase your expertise in areas such as physical security or personnel security?

Our course managers have a detailed knowledge of the challenges facing private- and public-sector enterprises today. BDO shall set the terms within the field of security, and we participate in many processes that create future standards for work in security and emergency response.

We offer both open courses, e-learning, and courses tailored to your enterprise.

Example topics:

  • Management systems for security
  • Security regulations
  • Security risk analysis and threat assessment
  • Physical security
  • Object security
  • Information security
  • Personnel security
  • Emergency preparedness and exercise planning
  • Incident management
  • Security in connection with commercial activities abroad
  • Security during travel

Get in touch to schedule a course.
